Lazy load plugin example
      # netlify.toml
        package = "."
            excludeFiles = ["/exclude/**"] # default = []
            applyContainer = ".rte-content" # default = "body"
            excludeElements = '[data-src], .lazy-load' # default = '[data-src], .lazy-load'
            replaceThreshold = 0 # default = 0


This won't lazy load as it doesn't fall within a container that matches the applyContainer selector (here .rte-content)

alt text


External Images

This won't lazy load as the img matches excludeElements by selector

alt text


These will all have lazy loading applied as they fall within a container that matches the applyContainer selector (here .rte-content)

alt text alt text


Local Images

alt text alt text alt text alt text


With srcsets

alt text alt text